Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Day 7--Sea Day--Half Way

We love Sea Days. Time to do anything you want on your own schedule. Time to read, sleep, eat,  sleep,watch the sea, sleep, and did I mention sleep? I’m getting the hang of this sleeping-in thing. Most mornings I’ve been awake and up at 6-6:30. This morning I didn’t wake up until 8:00. I read until 9:00 when Brian woke up and then we went to breakfast. Slackers!!

Back to our cabin for a little more reading and then I had a cooking class to go to. That was fun. 
There were 14 in the class with one chef, Mauricio from Chile, We divided into three groups to make three dishes. I worked with the group making the main course—Prosciuotto wrapped Halibut with relish. The other dishes were scallops and bread pudding.  After the class was finished cooking, we all moved over to the Pinnacle Grill where we were served the same dishes (prepared by the actual chef) for lunch. It was very delicious.

                                                                      Chef Mauricio

Class hard at work 

                                                            Our finished product
I was seated at a table of eight people. We enjoyed our lunch and ended up just sitting there talking until almost 2:00. They were very interesting people, most of them had taken 60-100 cruises. Ha!! Brian and I are mere fledglings compared to these people. One man, traveling with his mother, was a pilot for United and flies 747 all over the world. He had some interesting stories and insight into today’s airline security, for instance. Quite an interesting afternoon.

Back to the cabin, I found Brian to be sleeping. He finally got up and went for a late lunch while I laid down for a nap. I slept for 2 hours!! Good grief!! 

Dinner tonight was Gala Night, so we dressed up in our ‘fancy’ clothes. Brian still does not have his black dress slacks, so brown was his color for tonight. LOL We had a delicious meal, I had crab legs (again) and Brian had duck breast. Dinner was a little later than usual for us, so afterwards we went straight to the cabin, changed into bathing suits and headed for a nice soak in the hot tub. 

Our Dinner View

Most of the day, all we could see was sea. Into the evening we started seeing land. After dinner, the scenery got much more dramatic. So beautiful, mountains rising high above the sea. I had hope for some sunset views from our veranda and I was not disappointed. In fact, I believe it was one of the more dramatic sunsets I have seen on any cruise. Spectacular. 

The amazing part is that sunset was at 11:10 pm. As I’m writing this, I would call it dusk outside and it’s 11:50 pm. Wow1  

What a beautiful sea day we had and we feel very fortunate to be here in this grand setting,. 
