Saturday, July 9, 2016

Day 2--Sea Day

Day 2—Sea Day 

This day was spent cruising past Vancouver Island, northward to Alaska. Not a lot to see as far as scenery. Just an enjoyable, relaxing, do-nothing day.

We had a nice breakfast in the Pinnacle Grill, a perk for the cabin class that we have booked. It’s such a nice place to have breakfast; very quiet, nor rush, 3-4 people waiting on your every wish. We always enjoy getting to know the staff, as they are the same servers throughout the cruise. 

After breakfast, we wandered the ship a little then back to our cabin. Both of us were unusually tired this day, so spent a big portion of it taking naps, reading, watching videos—all of this broken up by the occasional meal. 

Dinner was at 7 pm, our reserved time, which seems to be working out very nicely for us. No for 2, so a nice peaceful dinner. Tonight was “Gala: night, previously known as “Formal” night. Brian didn’t bring his tuxedo, but wore a nice pair of pants and jacket. I wore a “sparkly” top and black dressy slacks. A lot of people dressed up in suits, jackets, nice dresses and tops, but I only saw two tuxedos the entire evening. It used to be that most of the men wore tuxedos on formal night and ladies wore evening gowns. I kind of miss that, but we would feel a little out of place doing that now. 

The meal on Gala night is always a little more special, although the food is always delicious. Brian had chicken with soba noodles as a starter and ‘maple-lacquered duck breast’ for his entree. I had escargot as my starter (YUM!) and tenderloin steak and grilled shrimp for my entree. We both had to die for chocolate souffle for dessert. Stuffed!! After dinner we went to the stage show to give it a try. We didn’t stay long. Pretty cheesy, in our opinion.

Back to the cabin for some reading time and then off to sleep, looking forward to our planned adventure in Ketchikan. 

1 comment:

  1. Your meals sound wonderful. (Except the escargot part, I won't fight you for those! LOL
